
MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

North High School; 4/13/2017

Submitted by Eva Bramlett


CALL TO ORDER:       Vern Vail called the meeting to order at 8:37PM.

ATTENDEES:              Board Members: Eva Bramlett, Tracy Collins, Cedric Lindsay, Jessica Mess, Nicole Martino, Brian Smith, Vern Vail

                                Music Directors: Michael Lucas, Rick Mongrain

                                Operation Manager: Bruce Thron-Weber


Minutes from the 3/2/2016 meeting were approved as submitted.


Mike volunteered that Foster Payne has offered to be the assistant conductor in the event that Mike is unable to make it to rehearsal. The board voted and approved Mr. Payne as Assistant Conductor.

Rick complimented all groups of the Mile High Community Band for their performances during the concert. In addition, Rick mentioned that he will not be making it to rehearsal on May 18th.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Vern, no report.

VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Roger, absent, no report

SECRETARY’S REPORT- Evie, no report.

TREASURER’S REPORT- Tracy has emailed the most recent financial reports for February to the board and welcomes any questions.

Tracy has also updated the board on the Amazon Smile account to note that the account has accumulated a total $6.55.

OPERATION MANAGERS REPORT- Bruce reports that he has officially updated the SCFD application.

Bruce has also been in touch with Hill Baker who has informed him that due to lack of funds, RRCC will not be able to host the MHCB for their June 2018 concert. However, they will be able to host us for the remaining concerts for 2018.

In addition, we are set up to have all of our June rehearsals at RRCC.


Dues regarding the collection process as well as excusing dues for band members- There are currently two clarinet players who have been unable to attend rehearsal due to their work schedules yet have been asked to pay dues. The board has approved the motion of excusing the dues for the weeks they were unable to make it to rehearsal.

The board briefly pondered the possibility of changing the way we collect monthly dues. Included in the options is the possibility of having people donate a monthly amount, or charge for concerts. Vern has asked the board to look at the alternatives and tabled the discussion for the next meeting.

Quintet update- The quintet thanks Vern for filling in on trombone for the concert. Cedric also discusses the changes happening in the quintet to include the loss of both a trumpet and tuba player. He will be looking into finding people to fill these positions and welcomes any ideas as to anyone able to do so.


Update on having band a choir rooms unlocked at the time of rehearsal- There have been fewer episodes of this after Mike has spoken with the assistant principal.

News on implementing the Musician Performance Contract- The contract was not used for the previous concert and it was discussed that Mike will be providing the contract to those we hire to play with us during concerts.

Possibilities on finding a new rehearsal space- This discussion has been tabled until a later meeting.

Update on Eisenhower neighborhood concert details- Unfortunately the Eisenhower neighborhood concert will not be in the concert schedule for this summer but there is a possibility of MHCB playing it next year.

Scholarship requirements to include missing rehearsals- This discussion has been tabled until a later meeting.

Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 9:10PM.